Enterprise Evaluation "The ability to activate the trial software will expire on August 15, 2013"


Window 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation FAQ at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-in/evalcenter/jj552442.aspx says that "The ability to activate the trial software will expire on August 15, 2013"

My Questions are:

1. Will the activation work even now; as the ability to download the evaluation exists even today as of 14th Feb 2015.

2. Do I need to necessarily burn a DVD or creating a Bootable USB will be fine?

3. Will internet connection be necessary after "Activation" and initial updates, as the test machine may not have internet connection after that.

With Regards

S Bans

February 14th, 2015 5:42am


1) Yes, if have a valid product key you can activate the evaluation copy.

2) A usb stick will work. Depending on the size, fortmat the entire stick as fat32, or create a partition at 5gb+ as fat32. I will recommend using winrar to extract the .iso on the the fat32 partition.

3) You activate a windows 8 pc once, and no further contact with microsoft is necessary, unless it's activated using KMS or AVMA. How ever, im not sure how an activated pc will react to hardware changes while offline.

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February 14th, 2015 6:55am


Thanks for your response.

1. I understand Enterprise Evaluation has Product Key Built into it. Will appreciate to know if somebody has activated it recently or  in 2014.

2. OK, will try with USB first.

3. Since it will be evaluation only till Windows 10 (consumer Preview or Full) is out - there are not going to be hardware changes in between.

With Regards

S Bans

February 14th, 2015 9:55am

1. If you thinking of the 90days eval, yes. Just type slmgr /rearm in an elevated prompt. Reboot, and it should be good. You have to be online.
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February 14th, 2015 11:13am


Thanks again for your response.

I understand "slmgr /rearm in an elevated prompt" is for Extending an already activated trial. I am looking for guidance about first time activation of Enterprise Evaluation after 15h August 2013.

Seems like I will have to do the experiment myself - 4-5 GB of Download seems to be all at stake.

With Regards

S Bans

February 15th, 2015 2:39am

Do you want a full product activation, or the 90 day evaulation?

The 90 evaulation works fine, i tried that yesterday

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February 15th, 2015 6:44am

Thanks Jesper,

This is what I was looking for.

I am looking for 90 Day Evaluation - Now I can move ahead with more confidence.

Thanks again and Regards

S Bans

February 15th, 2015 10:54am

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